Thinkin’ For A change


Thinkin’ For A Change (TFAC) is a lettering series that explores the documented stories of injustice, inequality, police brutality and racial violence towards people of African descent in music.

This series started with mostly quotes from rap music and has expanded to African activists, poets, and historical figures. Rap music holds a lot of truth about the injustices, inequalities, and police brutality that African Americans face on a daily basis. But because rap was initially deemed violent, gang related, and unpatriotic when it first emerged, most people till this day condemn the music without really listening to find the truths.

TFAC is a call to action for people of African descent to take action, speak their truths, practice self discipline, and take ownership of our position in this game of life. Understand that we’ve always been free, and we aren’t fighting for our freedom but the right to equal opportunities. 

“energy and persistence conquers all”

TFAC challenges you to disrupt your current thought process, think critically before condemning a specific group, and acknowledge the struggles & beauty in the stories of all people of African descent. My hope is that this series will help educate, challenge and inspire behaviors that encourage actions that unite. It’s time we recognize the truth in our struggle and rise up in the face of adversity, injustice, and police brutality.


Brother’s Keeper

Cops killin' black people on camera and don't get charged. We ain't takin' no more, we ain't just pressin' record. Can't watch you kill my brother, you gon' have to kill us all. Lyrics from Frontline by Conway the Machine @whoisconway


Free Mind

White man fear a brother with a free mind, and if you disagree tell him that he can free mine. Lyrics from Crocodile Python by Rick Ross.


America’s Love

According to #cbsnews cops killed 164 black people in the first 8 months of 2020.